Monday, February 15, 2010

Worst Blogger Ever!

Yep, that's me! Sorry I have been MIA on here lately. I promise to do much better after this little catch-up. My excuse for not updateing sooner keeps leading back to not having my camera, not having the camera cord, not having the card get the picture. Therefore, I shall update you all with iPhone photos :) The quality isn't stellar, but Jackson has a way of makeing the picture awesome regardless!

Here are some of the things Jackson has been doing over the past 6 weeks...

He practices standing all.the.time. This kid LOVES to stand up. He can't get there on his own yet, but he'll hang out there for a while if you help him.

He played at Grammy and Grandaddy's one Sunday after church. This was Grammy's Birthday (Jan 10th).

He loves to bang on the his new activity table. He's already becoming Mr. independant. He doesn't really want you to hold him up anymore. He would rather sit on his knees and play with the table or have someone stand him up to it so he can band away.

He saw his first snow! I wouldn't say he 'played' in the snow, but he tolerated it long enough for pictures. He probably would have tried to eat it, like he does everything else, if he could have moved his arms :) He looked like the little boy from A Christmas Story, all bundled up.

He LOVES being on his tummy now. For those of you that remember anything about his earlier days, he used to HATE tummy time. We're talking about 30 seconds, tops, before he would start screaming. Now, he loves it. He'll even face-plant from a sitting postion now, just to get on his tummy. I think it's because he wants to move sooo badly. He's trying to keep up with some of his older friends at daycare. He's not crawling yet, but his prefered mode of getting around is usually rolling towards his closest toy, or spinning around on his belly until he gets there. Just this weekend he has tried pushing up one his toes to get his knees up under him. He hasn't been too successful with it yet, but it is amazing watching him try. He is constantly looking up and around the room to see if anyone is watching him, and then he just giggles!

My baby still loves to nap with mommy!

Jackson has so much fun with his lion. His current obsession is trying to grab the lions face and biting his mane.

Jackson's Grandpa has a little red laser light that Jackson and Blaine love to follow around the room, like little cats.

It's been no surprise that this boy loves to eat! So far, apples and bananas have been his favorite.

Other than that, he just keeps getting cuter every day!

Now that we've updated with some new pictures, I promise to be more diligent about posting updates in the future.

Oh and for some stats. At his 6 month appointment (Jan 18th), he weighed 19lbs, 11oz. He goes in tomorrow for his flu shot, so we'll see what's happened in the last month!

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